June 7, 2014

Sand Slope Soccer

Saturday evening, crew of pros from southern part of India surrounded by ocean where tri-seas forgather, riding on two wheelers aiming at a destination.  These are the guys who work crazy hard in various companies, who make lot of difference in world class diligence.  They are the one who formulated the world to look at a small town Nagercoil.  Nagercoil from Kanyakumari district, a lovely place with lot of greeneries and bordered by seas. With lot of passion and fun these pros heading to a lovely beach addressed as Sanguthurai.  Sanguthurai is one of the famous and adorable tourist spot in Kanayakumari district.  With snowy sand, clean water, good breeze and less crowd, Sanguthurai stands alone from rest of the beaches in Kanayakumari district. One after other these techie pros reached the destination. 

Pros are highly excited running here and there making fun on each other; all of them are really a bunch of sporty people.  Now all of a sudden they started selecting two victims who will be forced as captains.  After few pep talks, captains were decided. Two victims have to choose their crews.  In the mean while boundaries were drawn, goalpost were ready.  Its beach Soccer, pros started playing soccer in that peaceful environment.  They were not playing a professional game; they are not professional Soccer players.  Except for few, others just know how to kick the Soccer ball.  More over the rules for this game will not fit for any other International Soccer game in the worldJ. 

Players have to play within a small boundary (Quarter in size of a Soccer ground).
Throws are not supposed to be thrown, rather have to kick by foot.
Goals should be shot with the minimum height, less than knee level.
Goal Keeper cannot touch soccer ball with hands.
Break every 10 minutes (Most of them already carrying a Basket ball in their tummies :) )
No time limit, they will play until the sun sets and darker enough to stop the game.
Now the world’s most amusing Sand Slope Soccer started. Two teams which stand apart started kicking the Soccer ball.  Maradona, Mesi, Ronaldo, Rooney, were some of the world class players name were used to kid each other (Extremely Sorry world Soccer Spectators :) ).  Each one of them was specialized in one skill.  Some of our pros run and tackle fast, few are good at passing the ball, where others used to defend, shoot, and kid (kidding each other is the important part of the game :) ).  One who kids each other will get the maximum attention from the crews rather than one who plays the game with heart and soul.  To score a goal, the soccer ball must completely pass over the line between the goal posts below the crossbar is the rule in usual Soccer.  In our Sand Slope Soccer to score a goal, the soccer ball must completely pass over the line between the goal post below the knee level.  It doesn’t stop there; the pros have to win a controversy after shooting the Soccer ball to the goal post.  Mostly the disputes were about the height of the goal shot (It’s below the knee level or not :) ). Goals will be confirmed only after winning the line of reasoning.  Sometimes they score and sometimes they don’t.  Sometimes they win and sometimes they losses. In spite of everything they were jollying.

It’s not about who wins and who loses the game at the end.  It’s not about what the game means to others who watches this curious game.  It’s about what means to the professionals who are playing, how many calories they burn, how happy they are and how they become stress free during weekends.
Game continuous every weekend.... and its Saturday evening.... I am getting ready for the game... searching for my motorbike key.... 

My pals will always ask me about the benefits of working in home town... credibly this must be one of the answers to them.... Love my home town Nagercoil.



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