June 16, 2014

Green Earth

Mother earth is our planet sometimes mention to as the blue planet because the large amount of water in its surface. Mother earth is unique in our solar system, because the only planet which is able to support life. There are so many factors supported for the life in earth.
  • Atmosphere
    • Oxygen is the gas which is required for the living things, which is present in earth atmosphere Carbon di oxide, nitrogen, hydrogen …etc these all gases are present here for the living things
  • Climate
  • Water
  • The sun

Destruction of forest and Global warming

But now a days the condition of earth is very critical, Destruction of forest and Global warming are the two main reasons. Forest degradation is a serious matter, because Forests are essential to mankind, They provide us with wood, food, raw materials,prevent floods and soil erosion, increase underground water supply and humidity of air provide an abode for the wildlife, check air pollution, etc. wild life is at the edge of destruction, due to this destruction of forest and wild life, dramatic change in the climate and increases the pollution, many species of wild life have become extinct.

Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, caused mainly due to increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These greenhouse gases are mostly produced as a result of industrialization. It’s a serious issue, which threatens to interrupt the basic balance of the environment and cause large-scale destruction. Humans, animals, plants, climate, land... you name it and it will be affected by global warming. In fact, some species of plants and animals are already on the verge of extinction. Studies indicate that around 15 to 37 percent of plant and animal species will be wiped off the planet by the year 2050.Changes in climatic pattern have already started to show, sea level is rising, melting the glaciers in Antarctica, to make it short we are just heading for destruction.

World Environment Day ('WED') is celebrated every year on June 5 to raise global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet Earth. It is run by the United Nations Environment program  (UNEP).2014 theme for World Environment Day will focus on 'Small Islands and Climate Change', the official slogan for the year 2014 is 'Raise Your Voice Not the Sea Level. Trees are essential for sustaining life on earth. But now a days we don’t have enough trees, because of the degradation of forest and natural hazards. It is necessary to take steps to reduce global warming. With this in mind, everyone should plant some trees in your home, schools, colleges, institutions, offices, hospitals..etc.

Greenvein.org is a foundation for planting and protecting trees .The vision is to reduce global warming and implement reforestation programs, launching this new initiative which intends to plant one crore trees in each and every state.


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